Research Talk: EHESS, Paris, France: May 13, 2016

On May 13th, in the seminar "The question of Palestine: What comparisons are possible", I will be presenting the following lecture: "Hidden Memories: Cold War participation of Pakistanis as fedayeen in the Palestinian Armed Struggle 1970–1985", Friday May 13, 2016, at 3pm. The lecture will be followed by a screening of a work-in-progress of her ethnographic fieldwork in Lebanon and Pakistan.
Location: EHESS, 96 boulevard Raspail, Paris, 75006
Pour le séminaire: "La question palestinienne : quelles comparaisons possibles ?", Je vais présenter la conférence "Mémoires occultées: La participation des fedayins pakistanais au sein du mouvement national palestinien au liban pendant la guerre froide (1970 – 1985)", Vendredi le 13 Mai, de 15 h à 17 h (EHESS, IISMM, salle de réunion, 1er étage, 96 bd Raspail 75006 Paris)